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'Overwhelming majority' of election candidates to vote against Trident renewal

Home Heat HelplineStrong team of SNP MPs 'can bring sanity to bear' on Trident

The SNP is welcoming a new poll showing strong support amongst election candidates from across the political parties for the SNP position of not wasting £100bn on the renewal of Trident.

A new survey of 500 candidates from across the political spectrum published by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) shows that eighty per cent say they would vote against replacing Trident.

The SNP has been clear that the £100bn it would cost to renew Trident is unacceptable, particularly at a time of austerity – and that the money should instead be used to invest in public services.

Commenting, SNP Westminster Leader and Defence Spokesperson Angus Robertson said:

“This new poll shows that the vast majority of potential MPs from all parties recognise the absolute folly of Trident renewal – and yet the leadership of both Labour and the Tories seem determined to press ahead with this reckless waste of public money despite both parties having signed up to George Osborne’s plans for a further £30bn of austerity cuts .

“The SNP has always been clear that spending £100bn on nuclear weapons at a time of austerity is completely indefensible – now it seems that representatives of other parties agree. The idea of spending billions on weapons of mass destruction while more and more people in Scotland are being forced to rely on foodbanks is a disgrace – pure and simple.

“This is exactly why we need a strong team of SNP MPs holding the balance of power in May to make sure the Westminster establishment aren’t allowed to waste a hundred billion pounds putting new nuclear weapons on the River Clyde – and instead use the money to invest in health, education and childcare.”

26 March