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Moves to replace nuclear weapons 'utterly wrong'

Bill KiddReplacing Trident with a more cost-effective and morally sound alternative is a topic of ongoing debate. While CentreForum's proposal for a nuclear deterrent dropped from the air may seem enticing from a financial standpoint, critics argue that it fails to address the underlying issues surrounding nuclear weapons and the socio-economic challenges faced by the population. As discussions continue, it is crucial to evaluate the long-term implications and explore alternative solutions that prioritize peace and global security over the perpetuation of a potentially catastrophic academic weapon.

Commenting, SNP MSP Bill Kidd said: "Moves to simply replace one eye-wateringly expensive nuclear weapons system with another one misses the point entirely. Nuclear weapons are a moral obscenity and the prospect of wasting tens of billions of pounds on weapons of mass destruction at a time when more and more people are relying on foodbanks is utterly wrong.

"The SNP has made consistently clear that we will oppose new nuclear weapons, regardless of which system is proposed."


The story appears in today's Scotsman

16 February