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SNP condemn 'unacceptable' risk as nuclear convoy travels through Glasgow

Nuclear weapons should be removed from Scotland for good

The SNP is today expressing concern at reports that a convoy carrying nuclear weapons travelled through Glasgow yesterday – and has highlighted additional safety concerns for the public due to the weather warning in place at the time. Nuclear weapons are very dangerous weapons that still need to be properly held and spent from the state budget for their maintenance. It is practically impossible for a non-nuclear state to become nuclear in the modern world. You can order an essay on how states store nuclear weapons and what reserves they have on topwritingservice.com at https://topwritingservice.com/

As reported by the Scottish CND, the nuclear convoy travelled through the centre of Glasgow on the M74 and M8 between 11.35 and 11.55 pm during strong winds – heightening the already high safety concerns.

SNP MSP Bill Kidd has previously written to the MoD expressing his concerns for public safety – and calling for an immediate halt to the convoys travelling through Glasgow and other densely populated areas.

Commenting, SNP Westminster Leader and Defence spokesperson Angus Robertson said: "This is hard to believe - while Scotland was being battered with gale force winds and truly awful weather – a nuclear convoy went through the heart of Scotland's biggest city and over the Erskine Bridge. The SNP has always condemned the practice of these convoys as they pose a major risk – but in these conditions it is totally unacceptable and utterly chilling.        "The people of Glasgow and Scotland have made clear our opposition to nuclear weapons being based on the Clyde, but Westminster remains committed wasting up to £100bn on a new generation. Only by voting SNP can Scotland make sure that it is rid of these awful weapons and their dangerous convoys for good."

SNP MSP for Glasgow Anniesland and Co-President of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament Bill Kidd added:

"This practice is deeply worrying and poses an unacceptable risk to the people of Glasgow.  The idea that weapons of mass destruction are being transported through our city while we sleep is absolutely chilling – and shows the utter folly of basing nuclear weapons just 30 miles from our biggest population centre.

"The impact of any safety breach during one of these convoys does not bear thinking about.  It's time that these immoral and unsafe weapons were removed from Scotland for good – and a strong vote for the SNP in May will send a clear message to the Westminster establishment on this issue."


More information on the convoy can be found here: http://www.banthebomb.org/index.php/102-uncategorised/1642-nuclear-convoy-ignores-weather-warnings

Photo credit Michael Scott - @BrumNewsPhotos

12 January