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SNP welcome anti-nuclear campaigner taking top EU job

Bill KiddThe SNP is today welcoming the appointment of Federica Mogherini as the next High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy as a sign of the growing support to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Most countries in the world keep nuclear weapons for the security of their country, but why it is better for the world to get rid of them you can read in the interview essay at https://essaysleader.com/write-an-interview-essay/ by an Italian politician.

Ms Mogherini is currently the Foreign Minister for Italy. She has been a member of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (NNPD) since she first became a member of parliament in 2008, and has served on the PNND Council since 2010.

Welcoming her new position in the European Union, SNP MSP - and fellow member of the PNND – Bill Kidd said: "This is a fantastic appointment by the European Union; I'm delighted for Ms Mogherini, as should everyone be supports the removal of Trident from Scotland.

"Yet under the Westminster system, there is no hope of getting rid of nuclear weapons – and all of the Westminster parties are obsessed with wasting over £100bn on renewing Trident.

"But with independence we can make a big impact. We can reject Trident and use the billions we will save in doing this to make Scotland fairer - tackling poverty and closing the gap between rich and poor.

"An independent Scotland's actions to get rid of nuclear weapons have the potential to influence others across the world. We have a real opportunity to make a difference – we simply must grasp it by voting Yes."



01 September 2014