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Former coalition defence minister claims Trident is 'outdated and luudicrous'

The former Liberal Democrat Armed Forces Minister, Sir Nick Harvey has made a speech today (Monday ) in  which he comments on the Trident renewal review which he was formerly in charge of, and is now being conducted by his colleague Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander . You can buy analytical essay about this renewal review.

Angus Robertson MP, SNP Westminster leader and Defence spokesman said: “Sir Nick Harvey’s assessment that  like-for-like replacement of Trident is based on ‘outdated and ludicrous’ ideas about deterrence and  that Trident is a ‘fantastically expensive insurance policy that no longer makes sense’  are sentiments we share. His conclusion that its enormous expense also distorts the defence budget is self evidently true , as it always has been. It creates an awkward coalition split as the Prime Minister made his devotion to weapons of mass destruction clear on his recent voyage on a nuclear submarine up the Clyde. It also puts Labour in a difficult position  as their policy seems to be  entirely dependent on the outcome of the Alexander review.

“There will be no place for Trident in Scotland following a Yes vote next year, and we have made it clear that Faslane would continue to be the principal conventional  naval facility for Scotland following independence . Today’s comments from this respected former Defence Minister make it even more clear that Trident is an outdated  waste of money that the vast majority of Scots don’t want dumped here any more.”


Guardian  article  21/4/13


22 April 2023