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Corbyn must use Scotland day-trip to end Trident chaos

Is he leading Labour, or is Labour leading him?

Labour’s position on Trident has become “completely indefensible”, the SNP has said, as the party called on Jeremy Corbyn to use his expected visit to Scotland today (Thursday) to end the chaos and confusion engulfing the party.

During a Radio 4 interview on Wednesday’s Today programme, Mr Corbyn said that he would never push the button on nuclear weapons, which raises questions as to why he would spend £100bn on renewing the weapons of mass destruction programme.

01 October

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Labour conference quietly rubber stamps Trident renewal

'Labour changing Corbyn - rather than Corbyn changing Labour'

Labour have lost all credibility, the SNP has said, following confirmation that the party have quietly voted to continue their support for the renewal of Trident without any debate on the issue.

Labour delegates yesterday approved the party’s ‘Britain in the World’ policy document, which makes clear the party’s “commitment to a minimum, credible, independent nuclear capability, delivered through a continuous at-sea deterrent.

29 September

Corbyn's 'credibility on the line' after Trident debacle

Responding to reports that Labour will now not debate Trident renewal at their party conference, SNP Depute Leader Stewart Hosie MP said:

"Jeremy Corbyn's entire credibility is on the line as Labour become mired in confusion on Trident. So many of the people who backed him to be Labour leader did so on the basis of his anti-Trident stance - now barely two weeks into the job, it appears he's shying away from the debate.

27 September

SNP CND Conference and Annual General Meeting

SNP CND are holding their conference and AGM on Saturday 3rd October in the Renfield Centre, Bath St, Glasgow. The conference is for all SNP members.

Please help us to publicise this important and timely event. Tickets are available now from Eventbrite Cost £5.95.

Speakers include Brendan O'Hara, MP, Bill Kidd MSP and Margaret Ferrier MP. There will also be workshops providing information on Trident and nuclear disarmament, and how to be an activist. The detailed programme is available at http://bit.ly/SNPCNDconference.


The following people were nominated for the Executive of SNP CND for -2016 in line with the procedure agreed by the Executive (two nominations from SNP CND members).

  • Office Bearers Bill Ramsay, Convener - Elected Unopposed
  • Ann Ballinger, Vice Convener - Elected Unopposed
  • Jean Anderson, Secretary - Elected Unopposed
  • Brian Quail, Treasurer - Elected Unopposed
  • Ordinary Executive Members: John Ainslie, Jonathon Dale, Steve Davies, Sarah Grant, Peter Mcgillion, Lawrence Stewart

As there were six places and six properly submitted nominations, the above are elected unopposed.

Note that the Executive Committee may co-opt others to the Committee ex officio.

18 September

Corbyn must not backtrack on pledge to scrap Trident

U-turn or weakness from leader will further damage Labour in Scotland

The SNP has today called on Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn to show leadership and restate his anti-Trident credentials following the appointment of pro-Trident Maria Eagle MP to the position of Shadow Defence Secretary.

Jeremy Corbyn made a big play on being anti-Trident prior to the confirmation of him becoming Labour leader - but this is at odds with his appointment of Ms Eagle to the Labour front bench.

14 September

Defend the disabled, not indefensible Trident

Commenting on a planned visit by the Chancellor to the home of the Trident nuclear weapons base today, SNP Westminster Defence spokesperson Brendan O’Hara MP contrasted the Chancellor’s proprieties for nuclear weapons against both welfare support and spending on Scotland’s conventional defence forces.

Brendan O’Hara MP said: “With the UK Government facing a United Nations probe over its cuts to support for disabled people, George Osborne has his priorities all wrong. He should be defending the disabled, not his government’s indefensible decision to spend 100bn on a new generation of nuclear weapons – and this so-called investment in Faslane will directly support the deployment of Trident submarines.

31 August